
Posts Tagged ‘cases’

LaTeX – Multiline equations, systems and matrices[zz]

Series on Blogging with LaTeX

This is the 3rd post in the series. Previous ones:

Many of the examples shown here were adapted from the Wikipedia articleDisplaying a formula, which is actually about formulas in Math Markup.

Multiline Equations

You can present equations with several lines, using the array statement. Inside its declaration you must :

  • Define the number of columns
  • Define column alignment
  • Define column indentation
  • Indicate column separator with & symbol &

Example: {lcr} means: 3 columns with indentations respectively leftcenter andright

\begin{array}{lcl} z & = & a \\ f(x,y,z) & = & x + y + z \end{array}

\begin{array}{lcl} z        & = & a \\ f(x,y,z) & = & x + y + z  \end{array}

\begin{array}{rcr} z & = & a \\ f(x,y,z) & = & x + y + z \end{array}

\begin{array}{rcr} z        & = & a \\ f(x,y,z) & = & x + y + z  \end{array}

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